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Chimney Liner Depot


We carry many different sizes, shapes, brands, grades and construction in stainless steel flexible chimney liners including “Homesaver ( Ultra-Pro, Pro, Round-Flex, Oval-Flex, Rectangle-Flex, and Dial-A-Flex), Ventinox, Forever-Flex, Armor-Flex”, and more.

 We are your chimney liner depot. The most popular items and packages are listed but we have too many items to list individually.

Please contact us for the best prices on unlisted items and those for special applications.

There are three different of clasifications of flexible chimney liners produced by several different manufacuturers.

hat type of stainless steel flexible chimney liner do I need?

 That depends on the job. Here are some guidelines to help make the best descision for your job.


304-alloy: Great for wood burning applications. Good corrosion resistance in flues using wood burning and pellet appliances.

316-alloy: This alloy is made by adding molybdenum to 304-alloy. This process makes it more expensive then 304-alloy but greatly increases the corrosion resistance. This makes it an excellent choice for wood, coal, oil, and non-condensing gas applications.

321-alloy: Made by adding titanium to 304-alloy, which improves corrosion resistance at higher temperatures. (It's corrosion resistance in acidic environments is not as good as 316-alloy).

316 Ti-alloy: made by addind molybdenum and titanium to 304-alloy. This combination gives it excellent corrosion resistance in acidic and high heat environments.

AL 29-4C alloy: this is the most corrosion resistant of all alloys used. Primarily for gas applications. (Note: if the flue being lined has been used previousy for oil, a stainless liner is recommended as the outside contamination can quickly destroy an AL 29-4C liner).



Light - Most economical. Moderate to low flexibility. Harder to srtaighten. Low crush resistance. Very light weight. .005"-.006" metal thickness. Knurled or pressed seams.

DCS Flex, Simpson Dura-Vent, Foreverflex, M-Flex, Z-Flex)

High-Performance Light - In the middle on price. Has the highest bending range. Easy to straighten. Strong engineered corrugations = Good crush resistance. Very light weight. Gas tight seams. .005"-.006" metal thickness.

(Examples: Homesaver Pro, Homesaver UltraPro, Ventinox)

Heavy - Most expensive and durable, rugged multi-layer construction. Lower bending range. Easy to straighten. Extremely Crush Resistant. .015" metal thickness. Considered "smooth" inner wall design. Interlocked seams are very strong, but not gas-tight.

(Examples: Homesaver - Roundflex, Ovalflex, Rectangleflex, Fireplaceflex, & Dial-A-Flex. Armorflex, Premierflex)

The heavy liner can also put up with the most aggressive types of cleaning where the others could not. This is not a concern when the liner is properly insulated but an uninsulated liner theoretically could develop a layer of creosote too tough to be removed properly in light style steel chimney liners. If you plan to not insulate the liner due to space issues, the investment into the heavy liner is highly recommended.


Chose your liner of choice below:


     Dura-Vent                  Homesaver                     DCS-Flex

Improperly insulating a chimney liner may also void the manufacturers warranty and may not meet the criteria for the UL listing.
Read our FAQ's for importance of properly insulating a stainless steel  chimney liner.

For questions or quotes on specialty or custom sized liners please contact us at:

Discount Chimney Supply Inc. (2011-2024)