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DuraTech sets the standard in quality and performance for Factory-Built Chimney's. ThermalTech insulation eliminates hot spots common with some brands. In the event of a creosote fire the design permits outward and lengthwise expansion eliminating buckling and loss of integrity associated with some chimney systems.

DuraTech is a double-wall insulated chimney and has easy twist-lock connections. It is available in full stainless steel (Stainless) or galvalume outer wall pipes (Galvanized) for an economic option in areas that won't be exposed to weather (Always use the full stainless steel "Stainless" pipes for exterior areas).


Duratech Features

  • ThermalTech blanket in all lengths, elbows, & tees.
  • Free-floating inner liner maintains structural integrity in the event of a chimney fire.
  • 2" clearance to combustibles
  • Limited lifetime warranty **
  • UL Listed 103HT for wood, oil,coal, and gas in 5"-8"


All outer diameters are 2-inches larger then the inside diameter.



M&G Duravent - DuraTech (Made in the USA)


chimney pipe six inch chimney pipe eight inch chimney pipe eight inch

5 Inch Duratech 6 Inch DuraTech 7 Inch DuraTech


chimney pipe eight inch

8 Inch DuraTech 10 Inch DuraTech 12-Inch Duratech 14 Inch DuraTech



Frequently Asked DuraTech Installation/Ordering Questions:

Q1: I see several choices of adapters and am confused.Which adaptors do I need for my installation?

A-1a: If you are going through a ceiling and will use a ceiling support (round,cathedral short or tall) you will need only one adaptor.

If you intend to use standard single wall black interior stovepipe you will choose between the "snap-lock" or "slip connector". (Note: the slip connector makes getting a tight fit in a top venting unit much easier by allowing the pipe to overlap the connector and then drop back down into the appliance).

If you will be using DVL double wall black interior stovepipe you will need the "close clearance adaptor" to connect to the DuraTech chimney.

A-1b: If you are using a roof support, or through the wall thimble you will need 2 parts.

Part 1- A "finishing collar" to make the transition from the exposed end of the last chimney section to an end that has a finished look and will accept the correct adapter.

Part 2 - If you intend to use standard single wall black interior stovepipe you will choose between the "snap-lock" or "slip connector". (Note: the slip connector makes getting a tight fit in a top venting unit much easier by allowing the pipe to overlap the connector and then drop back down into the appliance).

If you will be using DVL double wall black interior stovepipe you will need the "close clearance adaptor" to connect to the DuraTech chimney.



Q2: How tall does my chimney need to be?

A-2: It is best to check with local codes but in most locations the chimney needs to terminate 2-3 feet above the roof line or be high enough to measure 10 feet horizontally to the closest roof or structure, and then go two feet higher then that point.

Note: It is recommended that if the chimney protrudes 4-5 feet above the roof an "extended roof bracket" be used to support the chimney against wind damage due to leverage.



**DuraVent "DuraTech" chimneys are professional products that are intended and reserved for professional installers.

These products are fully warranted if installed only by a professional installer.

Discount Chimney Supply Inc. (2011-2024)