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PelletVent Pro - 3 Inch > Pellet Vent Pro 3" - 6" Chimney Adaptor
Pellet Vent Pro 3" - 6" Chimney Adaptor

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Price: $121.66
Prod. Code: 25359 [3PVP-X6]

Use this part to adapt your Pellet vent Pro chimney to a 6-Inch "Simpson DuraTech or DuraPlus" class "A" HT chimney system. You must use a "Duravent DVL 6in Duratech Adaptor" adaptor between this product and the Simpson ceiling support or finishing collar (found on the DuraTech & DuraPlus Chimney Pipe pages). This may fit other chimneys with a single wall male end down but fittment is not guaranteed.

Discount Chimney Supply Inc. (2011-2024)